
Researchers from the University of Sydney developed the Inroads program for young adults with concerns about their anxiety and drinking.


Researchers from the University of Sydney developed the Inroads program for young adults with concerns about their anxiety and drinking.

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Researchers from the University of Sydney created Inroads, an innovative program specifically designed to address the concerns of young adults grappling with issues related to anxiety and alcohol consumption. This program spans five online modules, each of which is carefully structured to empower participants to acquire skills to think about and deal with their use of alcohol and overcome anxiety. Through these modules, individuals can engage in reflective exercises, building awareness of their alcohol usage patterns while simultaneously tackling their anxiety issues head-on. The Inroads program places a strong emphasis on proactive goal setting and encouraging participants to choose paths toward healthier, more balanced lifestyles.

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Advanced content management:

The Inroads administration portal hosts an advanced content management system that provides administrators full control over portal content. This includes the ability to dynamically filter and categorise content, making it easy to organise resources and information. Additionally, the platform supports features questionnaires, diaries, quizzes and customised forms. All of these features provide users with engaging opportunities while enhancing their overall experience.

Multi-targeted user experience:

Different user groups have unique needs and preferences. To cater to this diversity, the platform offers a multi-targeted user experience. This means that content is customised and tailored for various core user groups, ensuring that each group receives information and resources that align with their specific requirements. Group-specific themes and targeted messaging further enhance the relevance and impact of the content.

Therapist support:

The Inroads platform offers both an open trial/self-guided mode as well as an intervention/therapist support mode. During the therapist support mode, the platform runs a randomised controlled trial and the therapist support acts as a crucial feature. Users can connect with licensed therapists through the platform, providing a valuable support system for those seeking professional guidance. This feature promotes mental health and well-being by making therapy accessible and convenient.

Personalised Feedback:

The platform goes a step further in enhancing the user experience by providing personalised feedback. Users receive feedback based on their interactions with the platform, their progress, and their goals. This feedback is designed to motivate and empower users, helping them make informed decisions and track their development over time.

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inroads meet the team tablet

Guided, tailored and interactive learning.

With our comprehensive feature set, including advanced content management, multi-targeted user experiences, therapist support, and personalised feedback, the platform offers a holistic and user-centric approach to support, education, and well-being. Whether users are seeking information, guidance, or professional help, the Inroads program is designed to cater to their unique needs, promoting better mental and emotional health for all.

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