Rethink My Drink
Rethink My Drink was specially designed by health professionals for participants to gain control of their alcohol consumption.
Rethink My Drink
Rethink My Drink was specially designed by health professionals for participants to gain control of their alcohol consumption.

Rethink My Drink was specially designed by health professionals for participants to gain control of their alcohol consumption. The program helps anyone who wishes to change their relationship with alcohol, from heavy drinkers to more moderate or ‘social drinkers’. There are four modules to complete, with unique content, exercises, activities and online tools. The program is based on the “Stages of Change” model, which is used by health professionals and psychologists to describe the stages involved in making long-lasting changes to habits and behaviours.
Promoting engagement and continued use through upskilling, content unlocking and user gratification.
Personalised dashboard and user themed avatar which provides personalised messaging throughout the program.
Carer Journeys, Activities, and Toolbox
Daily check-in and logging of drink related data with flag for excessive drinking. Track drinking overtime and calculate cost and predicted consumption

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